Saturday, June 4, 2011


The past three days, we have been in a small city called Huangshan, where Xinli grew up.  We were able to see what life outside of a big city was like.  There were lots of farmers and shops and wildlife all around.  It was a very interesting experience.  We went to some ancient mystery caves that were uncovered by farmers not too long ago.  They still don't know what the caves were for.

I am back in Shanghai after 5 hours on the bus, and I will be returning to Boston on schedule.  My flight leaves Shanghai at 5:10 PM China Time, and will get to Toronto at 6:50 PM EST.  Then I will be heading to Boston at 8:30PM and should get there at around 10 PM.  I can't wait to be back!  Here's some pictures from Shanghai and Huangshan.

Shanghai from in the city

A snapshot from our visit at Ford.  No cameras allowed.

Huntsman snapshot.  No Cameras allowed.

The greatest food in all of China.  Bowser (Juicy Dumplings)

Our welcome dinner in Huangshan hosted by Xinli's family.

A crazy structure that led to a really rickety bridge that led to the mystery caves. 

Me in a mystery cave with a big shadow.

We visited a school and the students basically went crazy when we got there.  We felt like celebrities. 

This is part of the shrine to the family of the current Chairman of China, Hu Jin Tao.

This is a wild panda caught in the forest eating some bamboo.